
Growing up in small town Central Wisconsin, I was your typical mid-west workaholic home body. Every day, same routine: wake up, work 10-12 hour days, eat, sleep repeat. At age 21, I got on my first plane and left the state to see Washington for a week where I got my first taste of traveling. Although, a very broke college student, I couldn’t afford much. Even daydreaming seemed too expensive.

Fast forward to 2017, I was 22 and received a job offer in California. I stepped out of my comfort zone and away from everything I’ve ever known. Little did I know at the time this would be the best decision I have ever made.

My life and choices formed around one thing, the automotive industry. This is what got me through college (degree in automotive engineering, of course) and has always been a reliable source of income. My love for the industry and desire to drive lead me where I am today. From long work commutes, racing, to off road adventures my favorite spot in the world is behind the wheel.

Once I moved to California, San Luis Obispo County to be exact, you could not keep me indoors. I picked up CrossFit, I started a great nutrition journey and lost weight, I started hiking, bought my first mountain bike, tried surfing, sky diving, four wheeling, ALL THE THINGS. I felt unstoppable, optimistic, motivated, I was high off life. There was something about the atmosphere in that state that was just motivating. Perhaps it was the perfect weather, maybe it was the beaches and mountains. Regardless, this was my happy place. Every second off work felt like a vacation, I was living my best life. Everywhere I go, my dog Turbo goes.

Why I Decided to Start a Travel Blog…

I moved back to Wisconsin in 2022 to live with my family. Things in life were beyond my control, I had to leave California. Although I was not going to go that easily. I decided to sell all of my belongings to travel, living out of the Toyota with Turbo. I have no bed, no TV, no furniture, no appliances, no décor. No subscriptions to Amazon or Netflix, just a pre-paid cell phone. I went from an 1900 square foot home to an 8×10 storage unit.

Everything I worked so hard for all these years, I sold for a lifestyle change. I am learning that the things I want in life, aren’t actually things. I spent years trying to fill emptiness in my heart, something a fancy home and the newest coolest “stuff” was not filling.

So long 50-70 hour work weeks, hello quarter life crisis. I mean, freedom.