Here Goes My Last Piece of Furniture

This shelf is my last piece of furniture. As most who’ve been following my journey from the start, I up and sold/donated majority of my belongings in March/April of this year and using the freedom/funds to travel for a couple months.

A little back story

I was helping a my dear previous coworker and his family with their hobby farm as they were moving, just stop in and help with the goats/rabbits/cats while they were away (not even expecting money as I just love spending time with animals and they were a very short drive from my home, but they were such wonderful people of course they were going to pay me) and saw they posted the shelf for sale on marketplace. For some reason, I really liked it and wanted the shelf more than the cash, so we made a trade.

Fast Forward, it’s Time to Move

Everything I own is in a few totes or gone, but I keep the shelf as I’m a little attached to it. Quite sturdy and pretty! Unfortunately, during the transportation from CA to WI the wood was damaged and with such high humidity in WI it’s only going to get worse in storage. I decided to give the shelf away to a girl who was willing to fix it and use it today.

11 Years of Stuff Adds Up

I’ve been living on my own for 11 years now. I’ve collected things along these years and having lived in my biggest home prior to this. Moving out of my 3 bedroom, 2 bath 1900 square foot home with a 3 stall garage big yard home into a 10×15 storage unit. What’s one more item to not hold onto that I don’t necessarily NEED? My last piece of household furniture, I don’t necessarily need it right now. I mean, I slept on my foam pad the last month of living in my home. I didn’t “need” my big king size bed, I don’t “need” this shelf.

Time to move on to my next life chapter

I’m a bit lost in where I belong now. One year ago, I thought I had it all figured out and was exactly where I wanted to be in life. I’ve now come to find happiness out of owning less but doing more. I’m allowed the freedom to go wherever I want, do whatever I want, I can pack up what little I own and go anywhere at any time. It’s just finding the right place, the right time and the right opportunity. I am so blessed having such a great family/friend support system in WI during this roller coaster transition

This was not easy

In fact, it was hard for me to let go of my kitchen table that was a gift from my father. My plants (besides 3 I traveled with and kept). Outdoor patio furniture that I used almost every day. My decorations, electronics and many more items, especially my little blue Honda CRV that I cherished for SO many miles and years. Here goes the last thing.

Things I kept beside some misc household necessities/clothing: My Civic and Rav4, collectable car items and tools, my rower and barbell/weights, my camping gear, mountain bike and some paintings/prints. All things that bring me joy and good frequent use.

All I know is I want to do more, see more and live more. Sometimes that requires letting go of things you feel attached to and leaving your comfort zone. I was comfortable and happy in CA, but life changes. I learned that love is the strongest emotion and family is your strongest support.

Onto the next chapter. I’m not sure if I should call it wander-lust or wonder-lost, but either way everything will work itself out.

Goodbye shelf