This Can’t Get Any Worse, Right?

Welcome to Idaho! I smell… Potatoes. What a beautiful state, even though it’s freezing today. I left California, it was high 70s in April. Here now in Idaho, lucky to see 40 degrees on May 9th. Good thing I packed my winter jacket that my coworker gave me, oh how I miss my job and everyone there… Anyways. Idaho. Yes, beautiful.

Turbo and I area heading to Cascade area with plans to see the Sawtooth range and Yellowstone. Unfortunately, once we reached our destination, again with the closed trails.

Note To Self

Traveling the Pacific North West in May, no bueno. Cheers to Plan B. Wait. There is no Plan B, Plan B is just wing it.

Turbo and I start to explore the open areas, I could be sad about the situation, I do wish I could see more, but Turbo is super excited we found this lake. His happiness and excitement rub off on me. Things are good, life is good, we’re going to be okay.

It’s Easy to Lose Track of Time When You Have No Time Frame

Minutes turn into hours, we should try and find a spot to camp tonight… Oh wait. Everything is closed. Let’s just cross off Idaho and I will revisit later. We will head to Salt Lake City Utah area, it’s a 6-hour drive but it will be warm and things will be open. As we head out of town We run into a closed road. Apparently closed for “rock blasting” and the only way out now is north and around. No biggie, I have time and the northern half of the state looks so beautiful. Lets go.

20 Miles North, Another Road Closed. I AM STUCK

An avalanche? Really? Is that it? Is that all you’re going to throw at me? Trapping me in a 26 mile radius with limited resources? Psh… I’ve been through worse.

Alright. Low key panicking, mainly because how cold it gets at night, and I am really craving some Greek yogurt.

Time to backtrack. We make our way down highway 55 and find a small bar and grill, with a place to park an RV, this might be a lead to something.

My Luck Has Changed

How did this happen? We lucked out! Bad luck, but it’s a lucky bad luck! This little gem called Clear Creek Station has a shelter I can rent, and its open! I decide to lay low here for a few days until the roads open and the forecasted snow storm passes. Which when you have limited cell phone service, trapped in an unfamiliar area with everything closed, you get creative. I know I mentioned about wanting to pack light, but I am glad I brought my barbell.