Personal Life Update: That Did Not Last Long

If you are curious, here is a small personal life update after I reached my destination, Wisconsin. Sometime end of June, I came home. Not really sure what day, it was all a blur to me. Before I knew it, I started my job at Honda and game over. I was very excited to be reunited with Turbo, life without a dog for 3 weeks was very lonely. I am not sure how people even survive without the companionship of some sort of pet.

No worries, you didn’t miss much as there’s not much to see from Colorado to Wisconsin. I made it in just under 24 hours, took a quick nap in middle of nowhere buggy town of Nebraska. Legit, so many bugs that when I finally made it home to wash my car they peeled back like a sheet with the pressure washer. A warm welcome back.

Welcome to the Midwest

It’s now almost October, I have just been working the usual 6:30am to 5:30pm. You know… Living the dream I said I was not going to fall back into.

I live with my aunt and uncle. They are SUPER awesome, I love them to death, however this is not my home. I go day to day feeling out of place, winging it the best I can.

I met a stranger at a bar in Moab

He was a very genuine older fella who I exchanged stories with. After I wrapped things up and headed out, he shook my hand and said:

I hope one day if you’re feeling lost, you take a breath and remember who you are. You’re gifted. You’re smart, brave and ambitious. Don’t let anyone or anything strip that from you, don’t settle for less in life.” 

I never thought I’d play words from a stranger over and over in my head. As these days seem to get harder, I try to remember some unfortunate things in life are just temporary lessons.

I decided to quit my job at Honda

Only three months in, however this time I have a backup plan working for another Auto Shop. Also, my new hours are 7am to 3pm.

Maybe these hours help me find happiness in life.

Hopefully this will allow me freedom to roam.

Perhaps this will keep me content.

I will remain optimistic.

Thanks stranger named Paul.

I’m not leaving without a little celebration

You guessed it, I am going to take a quick road trip. I have learned quite a bit my last adventure, so this round let’s use what I learned and have a good time. I will be building a bed platform in my car, packing lighter and seeing what the east coast has to offer!

Don’t settle.