Not Sure How, But We’ve Made it Back in One Piece

I’ve made it safely to Wisconsin with Turbo. My mom has stayed up all night waiting for me, worrying as always. Probably because she has the weather channel up, watching the chaos of where I just traveled through. The weather this whole trip has been rough, take another mental note that maybe road tripping/camping on a budget the pacific north west in May is not a good idea. Rain in northern California, sleet and snow in Oregon, avalanche and blizzard in Idaho, 80 mph hour winds in Wyoming into South Dakota with hail that followed me into Minnesota. I just missed a tornado touch down by 4 hours, crazy!

This entire time I thought to myself “what did I do to deserve this?” Nothing worked in my favor. Nothing. I got pushed out of every state so fast, my one month trip went 2 weeks from crazy weather, uncomfortable situations and pushed me forward. But now, I am thankful. This was not bad karma, this was someone of a higher power looking out for me. Nothing worked out but everything worked out. I get to live another day, I get another chance to try again.

I pick up my Civic in California in June. See you then.

Happy to be snuggled up in bed. Its temporary, its not our home, its not our own bed, but its a nice, cozy, safe bed.