Time to Pick up the Civic, a Second Chance Adventure

Back to California I go! I am so excited. The warm air, the mountains, the ocean, my Civic, my friends, my home. I was born and raised in Wisconsin, but leaving my home state, I never felt home sick. Leaving California made me so sick I could puke, so to say I am excited to revisit after 2 weeks away is an understatement. I get to drive my Civic across the country and get a second chance at my road trip adventure.

My First Stop

Of course, was to revisit my old CrossFit gym. Tis the season for those who are familiar with the MURPH Memorial Day workout. I ended up completing this workout twice this year. After completing in Wisconsin, I hopped on a plane the next day to complete it again in California. Why? Well, I don’t really have an explanation, I just enjoy feeling accomplished and like death at the same time I guess.

I’ve decided to stay here for a week, I lived here for 5 years and never really had a week off just to enjoy this beautiful area. I rented a little AIRBB in Grover Beach, where I found this new kitty friend and I leave the door open for him (or her?) to come in and enjoy with me.

Boy was it perfect. Everything is perfect, right here, right now, perfect. Don’t think about the upcoming weeks, don’t think about trying to find another job, don’t think about moving… Just enjoy the moment, enjoy time with your friends, soak in the sun, enjoy it all in one last time. Take a deep breath.

BAM. Gone. Week is Over

Saying goodbye was even harder the second time. My face is peeling from the dryness of salty tears over the weeks. This is pathetic but I can’t stop. I want to be the person to lift people up and encourage people that everything will be okay but here I am, spilling out my own guts like an emotional train wreck.

I am still in this weird transition where I feel like I’m still just visiting, and I’ll be home in Paso soon.

Focus on the positives Stephanie… Glad to drive my Civic again. I’ve missed it the last month.

June 8th, 2022

This is my first EVER trip without Turbo. This is weird. Although this trip is going much better than the last.

I spent the first night in Vegas where I verified that town is still icky and I have no interest in checking it out. It served its purpose as my cheap halfway point to Utah.

Meeting up with my Sister!

Going to enjoy my time in Zion with my sister, I am so excited to spend time with her. Its been years!

I got to Utah much later than I planned. Since we did not know Zion required a shuttle bus to get you to the major hikes, we had to call it a day before given the chance to explore the park. We ended up getting a hotel for the night nearby so we could get up super early and hike as many trails as possible in one day. The hotel had some cool views, check it out.

As I was opening the patio shades, I asked Allison “I wonder what kind of views we have?!” some sick views… *shuts blinds*

June 9th 2022, I won my first lottery!

WHOOHOOO, I won my first “lottery” on a hike. Much like winning a cash lottery, it was very exciting. Was granted access to hike “Angels Landing” in Zion, probably the craziest hike to date. Not sure if hiking it on a 104-degree day in worn walking shoes with a possible concussion from surfing was smart, but I am here right now and determined. Worth it.

What happens after you finish Angels Landing? MORE HIKING!

Off to “The Narrows” an upriver hike. We have about 14 miles on our feet today. I am so thankful to have had this adventure with my sister, plus she is someone who can keep up with me for a day. That doesn’t happen often! Must run in our blood 😉

I still have much of Utah to explore the next few days before I head to Colorado.

On top of Angels Landing
The Narrows, such a cool hike! Non stop laughter and enjoyment with my sister Allison, today was a great day

Some Tips

  • Apply for an Angels Landing hike here
  • Currently, as of now, there is no permit to hike the narrows. We came very unprepared to do this hike and ended up wearing street shoes. Bring a pair of water shoes or shoes you are okay with destroying because we lasted about 20 minutes barefoot before deciding to ruin our only shoes.
  • Do you want to see the great Utah brick wall views? Stay at the RedRoof inn, here
  • Want to have a light backpack and drink the nasty narrows water? Try this Grayl (I have used it multiple times now, from puddle water to rivers. I am still alive and well)
  • If you plan to hike a crazy amount of miles on a day forecasted over 100 degrees like we did, I will highly advise the NUUN tablet with water. After traveling, drinking more whisky than I would like to admit and doing the MURPH workout twice and now 14 miles of hiking…Tthis kept me hydrated and cramp free.

Keep on sending it.