Today is the Day I Have Been Dreading

This is it, today is the day I have been dreading for what feels like an eternity. With a heavy heart and eyes full of water, I’ve started packing up and selling majority of my possessions to move out of California. May 1st is the last day in my home before I hit the road with uncertainty of what is to come next. Someone pinch me I must be dreaming. I can’t possibly be moving. I feel like this decision is going to make me puke. It feels as if my heart has been ripped into a million pieces, it’s hard to breathe, this feels like a hard break up, a breakup I didn’t ask for. Is it worth the heart break? Is it worth ending relationships? Does my family really need me close again? Do I really need them? Of course I love and miss everyone in Wisconsin, but I love this place. California has shaped me into my best self.

What’s left of everything I own in boxes… 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with a 3 stall garage. I accumulated SO much throughout the years, and its all gone now. Hoping to trade all my “things” for memories and a once in a lifetime experience.

When given the chance, I spend every free moment outdoors. Racing to hiking, biking, off road adventures, camping, long walks down the beach to just relaxing and soaking up the sun on my patio. I lived in the nicest house I’ve ever lived in. I worked for the greatest people I’ve ever worked for. Made the most money I’ve ever made allowing me freedom to do all the things I love. Living the life I felt was a dream quite often, but that’s life, right? We can’t be happy ALL the time, can we? We have to make sacrifices because if we don’t, we are “selfish” right?

Disbursed camping off the coast, Big Sur CA
Racing Laguna Seca, Salinas CA

I Have Hope, or At least Thats What I Keep Telling Myself

We all know the Midwest is not known for its perfect weather, mountain/ocean views as far as the eyes can see and rust free cars, but I’m hoping I find hobbies I can enjoy year-round after my experience here. To remain hopeful that one day I’ll again feel that “I must be dreaming, life is so good” feeling. Or, I am just telling myself this to feel better. I lived there my whole life, I know what it’s like but sometimes we just need to talk ourselves into things. Mind over matter. Love, family and making others happy is important to me, even if I am suffering. I’ll stay strong for them. I got this. I’ll figure it out.

“Started from the bottom now we here” I am a bit of a car collector, Honda and Toyota fan boy to say. Minus that one evil Mitsubishi I tried so hard to love like a snotty step child… So having garage space is a huge deal to me. Over the course of 5 years of non stop work, I finally had my 3 stall garage home, a place of my own to cherish and make memories. Beautiful, isn’t it.

The Biggest Lifestyle Change is About to Hit

The whole reason for starting this blog, I’m in no rush to get back. I’ll be traveling around the country with my dog Turbo. We are going to see as much of God’s country as we can, basically VanLife but in a Toyota Rav4. This won’t be our first rodeo of the great outdoors, but it will be our longest. We are homeless, the Toyota is our new home for a while… I have been working since age 15 part time, then age 18 I went full time to now (age 29) I have never not had a job. I have never worked under 40 hours a week. This will be a big change of pace.

We have no plans yet, just travel and see things. No set destination, no job lined up, no place to call home. Lucky for me, I have loving family to shelter me for a while when I get to Wisconsin. God Bless their souls.